Majorityrights News > Category: Anti-racism

Enoch Powell’s Anti-Immigration Speech Divided Britain 50 Years Ago. It Still Echoes Today

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 April 2018 00:00.

NPR, “An Anti-Immigration Speech Divided Britain 50 Years Ago. It Still Echoes Today”, 20 April 2018:

Heard on Morning Edition

Britain’s Conservative Party politician Enoch Powell, right, listens to two demonstrators in Canada in April 1968, reading a petition that describes him as a “racist.“AP

The woman who never was? Dr Burgess said, “boiling down the 200 names that we arrived at and managed to find one individual who matches most of the essential points in the letter. And I can actually put a name to the face by saying that she was Drucilla Cotterill.” Just like the pensioner Powell quoted, Drucilla Cotterill owned her own home, lost her husband in the Second World War and stopped letting out her rooms to lodgers when immigration increased. Other former residents of the street, which is now Brighton Mews, have confirmed to Document that excrement was pushed through a letterbox in this street and that nearly all those living here were black in the late 1960s.
Mr Powell said the woman lived in his Wolverhampton constituency. By 1968 it was almost entirely populated by immigrant families, except for a 61-year-old white woman living at number 4.

How we got here: Millennial Woes goes over the history of Powell’s speech from a native nationalist position.

Related: London Street Scenes 1967

Related: BBC, “The woman who never was?”, 22 Jan 2007

Ibid. In April 1968, the United States was grieving. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a white nationalist. Cities burned with riots.

Across the Atlantic, Britain was debating the Race Relations Act, which made it illegal to deny a person employment, housing or public services based on race or national origin.

The law was intended to protect immigrants from Commonwealth nations, especially former colonies in the Caribbean, India and Pakistan. The first of these immigrants, 492 Jamaicans, had arrived 20 years earlier. Hundreds of thousands followed.

“The immigrants were called over,” says Sathnam Sanghera, an author whose Sikh parents emigrated from India during that time. “There was a labor shortage. There weren’t enough people to run the factories after the war.” Sathnam Sanghera’s Sikh parents emigrated from India. “There came the idea that white people would be crushed by the rights that black and Asian people demanded,” he says.

The immigrants were granted British citizenship and helped rebuild Britain after World War II. But they faced racism. Landlords wouldn’t rent to them. Some employers turned them away.

Tarsem Singh Sandhu, then a 23-year-old bus driver, lost his job when he refused to remove the turban he wore as part of his Sikh religion.

The Race Relations Act was intended to protect immigrants like him.

“But there came the idea that white people would be crushed by the rights that black and Asian people demanded,” Sanghera recalls.

The tension was especially obvious in Sanghera’s hometown, Wolverhampton, in England’s West Midlands, which he calls “one of the first cities in Britain to experience mass immigration.”

“A match onto gunpowder”

Enoch Powell, who represented Wolverhampton in Parliament, feared a race war coming because of mass immigration.

On April 20, 1968, he took the stage at a Conservative Party event at the Midlands Hotel in Birmingham and gave an incendiary speech that would come to define him — and divide his country.

Even now, 50 years later, there was outcry in the U.K. when BBC Radio 4 decided to broadcast an actor’s reading of the speech last weekend.

In the speech, Powell warned, “That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic ... is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect.”

He attacked the bill that outlawed discrimination. He said it was whites who were facing deprivation and that Britain “must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting” large numbers of immigrants to enter.

“The discrimination and the deprivation, the sense of alarm and of resentment, lies not with the immigrant population but with those among whom they have come and are still coming,” he said. “This is why to enact legislation of the kind before Parliament at this moment is to risk throwing a match onto gunpowder.”

Smithfield meat porters march to Parliament to hand in a petition backing British politician Enoch Powell, on April 25, 1968, five days after Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech.

He quoted a constituent — “a middle-aged, quite ordinary working man employed in one of our nationalized industries” — who was encouraging his children to leave England.

“In this country,” Powell quoted the man as saying, “in 15 or 20 years, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

“I can already hear the chorus of execration,” Powell continued. “How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation? My answer is that I do not have the right not to do so.”

Powell said inviting mass immigration was akin to “watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”

An “evil speech” with repercussions

A classics scholar, Powell also quoted Virgil’s Aeneid. “As I look ahead,” he said, “I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood.’ “

Powell’s address became known as the “Rivers of Blood” speech.

The Times of London immediately labeled it an “evil speech.” Conservative Party leader Edward Heath dismissed Powell from the party leadership.

“I consider the speech he made in Birmingham yesterday to have been racialist in tone and liable to exacerbate racial tensions,” Heath said.

But polls showed a majority of Britons supported Powell. Many protested, saying, “Enoch was right.” The speech emboldened racists.


In their Vice they try to bring him down, but they can’t stun the Hun nor his ethnonationalist cause

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 20 April 2018 06:04.

Though Vice is a liberal program and they do their critical best to undermine Orban, this episode inadvertently illustrates the popularity of Orban and his ethnonationalist cause - encouraging:

Jews Force 11,000 Pro-Israel Changes to US School Textbooks

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 16 April 2018 06:00.

New Observer, “Jews Force 11,000 Pro-Israel Changes to US School Textbooks”, 16 April 2018:

The Jewish lobby in America has forced through more than 11,000 changes to US school textbooks issued by National Geographic, Prentice Hall, Five Ponds Press, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and McGraw-Hill over the past several years, it has emerged.

According to a press release issued by the Institute for Research Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) and posted at the Israel Lobby Archive, the latest changes were revealed in a set of changes demanded by the Jews in textbooks and teaching guides used in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Requested changes include:

– Deletion of references to Israel “occupying” territories captured during the 1967 Six-Day War and substituting “controlled.” International conventions clearly outline the responsibility of occupying powers and the illegality of collective punishment and population transfers.

– Changes to maps to recognize Israel’s declared “annexation” of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. The U.S. and most other countries do not officially recognize Israeli annexation of either territory.

– Substitution of references to “occupied territories” to “captured areas.”

–  Substitution of references to “Jewish settlers” and “settlements” with “building of homes and communities.”

– Deletion of a lesson reviewing a video documentary by Iranian-American religious studies scholar, author, producer and television host Reza Aslan.

– Deletion of an activity based on reading the biography and work of Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi.

– Substitution of an editorial cartoon titled “The Mideast Peace Game Rules” with a cartoon of an Arab suicide terrorist holding a “Road Map to Peace” game hostage.

California-based Institute for Curriculum Services (ICS) proposed changes were submitted to the Virginia Department of Education on February 28 on behalf of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington, the Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) of Richmond, and the JCRC of Tidewater.

In a January webcast on YouTube, ICS chief Aliza Craimer Elias claimed that “working behind the scenes” through state advocacy organizations ICS had successfully made more than 11,000 changes to U.S. textbooks.

Publishers of the textbooks targeted for changes include National Geographic, Prentice Hall, Five Ponds Press, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and McGraw-Hill.

Common themes in ICS requests to make changes to Virginia textbooks.

1. Qualify claims of Islam as “expressing Muslim religious belief” while referencing those of Judaism as “God’s covenant.”

2. Replace Christian versions of key texts (such as the Ten Commandments) with Judaic versions.

3. Emphasize the “Jewish ethnicity”“ of major American historical figures.

4. Eliminate terms such as “settlers,” “occupation,” “land theft” and “wall” or replace with more neutral terms such as “disputed,” “captured areas,” “security fence” and “controlled.”

5. Emphasize Arab culpability for crisis initiation (Israel’s 1948 War of Independence) leading to military action, but not Israeli culpability (e.g. surprise Israeli airstrikes on Egypt commencing the 1967 Six-Day War).

6. Discourage students from conducting open internet research on current events lest they run into controversial content. Instead recommend approved websites such as the ADL and the

7. Eliminate or replace historical artwork created for predominately Christian audiences.

8. Add content that augments Israeli claims to occupied territory in the Middle East, such as changing maps of the Golan Heights as belonging to Israel rather than Syria.

9. Reference Israeli claims such as “Israel annexed East Jerusalem” as settled fact, without referencing lack of official recognition by other nation states.

10. Delete all references to “Palestinian Territories.”

11.Where ICS has already successfully lobbied for changes in national editions of textbooks, it demands that these changes also be made to State of Virginia editions.

YKW positioned Trump take-over of GOP through useful idiocy of Alt-Right vs ‘the Left’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 April 2018 18:16.

Trump took over Republican party on behalf of the Jewish Right in tandem with disingenuous, deracinating, oligarchic, objectivist, propositional Right…through its kosher, paleocon safety net/valve, false opposition, (((the Alt-Right))).

After Trump committed what was to Republican insiders the great sin of saying “there were good and bad on all sides” at the Unite the Right rally…

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “He has to fight back. So when you accuse him of being a racist he doesn’t want to back up, he wants to double down to prove to you that that’s not true, and that’s what the President is.”

Trump: “What about the ‘Alt-Left?” Not to be confused with what we define as White Left, nor the Jewy, fraud “Alt-Left” that also goes by that name; Trump was certainly not addressing that anyway, but rather a trendy way of addressing the motley “left” as it is commonly known - the pivotal move - to redirect attention and blame to “the Left”  - in orchestration of the White Right through the “Unite the Right” rally.

In addition to Mnuchin using “Unite The Right” to offend Gary Cohn through it and Trump’s neutral response, to get Cohn out of the way, there were key Republican insiders that needed ingratiation for the Jewish Right to be able to take-over and join forces with the (deracinating) American right through front man Trump.

Following Trump’s first political victory on their behalf, the passing of the tax-cut bill:

Paul Ryan heaps saccharine, about face praise of Trump for making the rich, richer…

As Mitch McConnell has been kissing black ass since the days of “civil rights” when he marched with M.L. King, Trump had to be sure to burnish his pro-black credentials for him (note Uncle Tom/ Satchmo Step n’ Fetch-it type to Trump’s right).

Mitch McConnell: “You’ve made the case for the tax-bill (so that the rich could get richer and the poor, poorer - typical Repugs). We’ve cemented the Supreme Court to the right of center for a generation (pro-black women having babies). You’ve ended the over regulation of the American economy (pro-pollution). Thank you Mr. President, for all you’re doing.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “In essence this became Trump’s Republican party.

The testimony that people gave there is hard to take back”

- Oren Hatch, for example: “You’re one heck of a leader…and we’re going to make this the greatest Presidency that we’ve seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “What the Republican establishment now know, is that Donald Trump is unequivocally the leader of the Republican party” (The Jewish Right-wing has taken over from Jewish liberals).

“He’ is the one who sets the tone of what takes place in Washington. He is the leader of our country - both politically and from a legislative side of things. I think they’ve learned that over the last year.”

Related Story: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Glimpse of future US: American Blacks Support Black South Africa Gov. Confiscating White-Owned Land

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 09:10.

  A glimpse of things to come in the USA…

SBDL, “A Glimpse of Things to Come in the USA: Blacks in America Support Black South African Government Confiscating White-Owned Land Without Compensation”, 5 April 2018:


Land reform is a key issue in South Africa, due to the long history of dispossession of indigenous populations by white settlers. Progress has been painfully slow over the past 24 years, but the question of land is now suddenly at the top of the political agenda.

A major controversy erupted at the end of February following a motion adopted in parliament, tabled by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and modified by the ANC, which started the process of potentially amending the constitution to allow for the expropriation of (white-owned) land without compensation, and its subsequent redistribution (to black people.)

In March, the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, sent out phone messages stating: “ANC & EFF working together to take all private land and homes. You can only stop this if you’re registered correctly to vote! Check now.”

As a result, white South Africans are panicking that they will lose their land and their homes, and some white commercial farmers believe this is the beginning of Zimbabwe-style ‘land grabs.’ Australia’s minister of home affairs even offered to fast-track visas for white farmers.

In contrast, the motion was supported by many other political parties and has been greeted with approval by large numbers of black people. Given the bitter history of large-scale land dispossession, refusing to pay for stolen land is seen by many black South Africans as essential to restoring their dignity.

Parliament recently resolved to investigate whether or not the country’s constitution should be amended in order to allow for expropriation without compensation. A constitutional review committee is organising public hearings countrywide, and will report in August.

The ANC is clearly attempting to regain political ground lost to the small but vocal opposition party, the EFF. The unresolved land question, and in particular the issue of compensation, has been a key rallying cry for the EFF since it first emerged in 2013. It is sure to make land a central issue in national elections in 2019.

Chaser: what do Africans in America think about the black-controlled government of South Africa confiscate white-owned land without compensation?

Do You Believe African Countries Like South Africa Have The Right To Take Land Away From Whites?”, The Seattle Medium, 3-29-18:

Anthony Spearmen: You know its delicate you have White people who were born in Africa, who believe they are native, and of course you have native born Black Africans who dispute this claim. The right to redistribute the land is an argument that is going to be decided by the people and as it looks they are up in arms about reclaiming it. Violence in my opinion is never the answer, but it was taken through violence and most likely it will have to be reclaimed by violence. Those White folk are not going to give up easily.

Charles Townsend: From my personal opinion anyone is justified in reclaiming property that has been stolen. I know if I had something of value stolen from me I am going to all that is in my power to retrieve it. I think South Africa has every right. Apartheid has been a stain in that country for a long time and it’s time to remedy that.

Shirley Johnson: As far as I am concerned it was never the Europeans’ land in the first place. I think it is a difficult task - the redistribution of land. But from a justification point of view, yes the native born Africans do have a right to reclaim what was naturally theirs. What they will have to be prepared for is the blowback both politically and socially.

Mike Pierce: I don’t think the violence is necessary, but I think from a theoretical perspective the people of South Africa are justified and have the right to redistribute the land stolen. White colonization has run it’s course as consciousness is rising and awareness is growing in terms of the wrongs of the past. Society is becoming more compassionate towards the victims of those wrongs and the victims are beginning to fight back.

Monique: South Africa has every right to claim what is theirs. White people have been robbing the resources of that continent for centuries and the chickens are coming home to roost. Karma is what it is. It looks like to me that the African has had enough and are fighting back, fighting for what’s theirs. I hope they succeed.

Peace? No peace.

Today, white-owned land in South Africa will be confiscated by the black-controlled government to rectify historical inequities; tomorrow, white-owned land in the United States will be confiscated by the multicultural government to forever end white privilege, deliver a fatal blow to implicit bias, and squelch once and for all systemic inequalities.

You didn’t think teaching an entire generation of non-whites to resent white people in the USA for their unearned privilege wasn’t going to have consequences?

Did you?

Identities of 650 Antifa Members Who Attended Charlottesville Were Just Released

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 08 April 2018 06:51.

Red Ice, “Identities of 650 Antifa Members Who Attended Charlottesville Were Just Released”, 7 April 2018:

A list containing 650 names of Antifa members who attended “Unite The Right” in Charlottesville last August has been compiled. It took the media months for them to stop reporting on how absolutely evil the Alt-Right is, never once focusing on the Antifa members who were the cause of all the drama.

Now a list has been compiled of several individuals who took part in the rally from the left. People like Lacy MacAuley, Daryle Lamont Jenkins, Spencer George Sunshine, and John Michael Carico are listed as leaders. Oddly enough, it appears that although groups like Antifa preach love and total equality, they tend to have more men as leaders. Hypocrisy much? 

Others like Marcus Martin, Alexis Morris, and Noelle Morris have their names listed as injured, and who would have been responsible for that other than themselves? For the most part, the Alt-Right tried to keep their distance from the opposing group, only when the police pushed them into the crowd did they have confrontation. From a logical point, this makes sense. These groups have nothing in common and the Alt-Right didn’t even want them to be there. Any “injury” Antifa received was of their own doing.

Many violent Antifa members are also listed as arrested or convicted. Deandre Shakur Harris, Corey Alexander Long, (Flamethrower) Troy Thomas Dunigan, Jacob Leigh Smith, Edgar Brandon Collins, and many others got in trouble with the law for getting violent at the rally. It looks like they’re taking their code of conduct “by any means necessary” and “no peace” to heart. 

David Holtz, a proud supporter of Antifa, took the battle off the streets and into social media when he tweeted: “Except that whites actually DON’T deserve a homeland. You have terrorized the planet for ever. You should be enslaved and raped to death.

But luckily Twitter actually did something for once and suspended his account. 

Now that this list has been released to the public and the vast majority of them appear to be psychopaths, will the mainstream media acknowledge this, or will they keep talking about how evil it is to be pro-white?

Whether we agree entirely with the Alt-Right’s beliefs is irrelevant, the fact is Antifa has been proven several times to be a domestic terrorist organization and yet the mainstream media still sing their praises. When will the madness end?


All known Antifa who went to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 11-13, 2017:

Key: Antifa with a “*” before their list number are Antifa who are known to be violent.

1. Lacy MacAuley (Leader): Washington, DC
*2. Daryle Lamont Jenkins (Leader): Philly, PA
3. Spencer George Sunshine (Leader): Brooklyn, NY
*4. John Michael Carico (Leader): Chattanooga, TN
*5. Renee Campbell Hall [INJURED]: Chattanooga, TN
*6. Alexander Stokes Contompasis AKA Alex Stokes (Leader): Albany, NY
7. Nicolas “Nic” Roy McCarthy-Rivera (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
8. Andrew Gil Mayton (Leader): Baltimore, MD
*9. Alexandra Shiflett: Bel Air, MD
*10. Cameron Rines: Severna Park, MD
11. Kelly Dietrich: Baltimore, MD
*12. Sean Gerwing Liter (Leader): Louisville, KY
13. Holly McGlawn-Zoller (Leader) [INJURED]: Louisville, KY
*14. Brent Vincent Betterly: Chicago, IL
*15. William Cory Lovell/William Corey Lovell/Corey Lovell: Chicago, IL
16. Jason Charter (Leader): Gaithersburg, MD
*17. Kyle Benjamin Wright (Leader): Chantilly, VA
*18. Rachel “Roody” Michelle Myles: Manassas, VA
19. Shiquan Rah Jackson (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
*20. Deandre Shakur Harris (ASH Seven Hills Antifa) [INJURED] [ARRESTED]: Suffolk, VA
*21. Corey Alexander Long (Flamethrower) [ARRESTED]: Culpeper, VA
22. Vonte “Vonzz” Long: Charlottesville, VA
*23. Charles Allen Howard Jr. AKA Bear Allen: Baltimore, MD
*24. Wyatt Reed: Elliston, VA
25. Lena Marie Seville: Charlottesville, VA
*26. Troy Thomas Dunigan [CONVICTED]: Chattanooga, TN
*27. Jacob Leigh Smith [CONVICTED]: Louisa, VA
*28. Jeff Fogel (Leader): Charlottesville, VA
29. Lara Rogers: Charlottesville, VA
*30. Edgar Brandon Collins [CONVICTED]: Charlottesville, VA
*31. Alec Summerfield (Leader): Maryland
*32. Dan Nguyen: Maryland
33. Jesse Schultz
34. Glenn Cantave: New York City, NY
*35. Hawk Newsome (Leader): New York City, NY
36. Medea Benjamin/Susan Benjamin (Leader): Washington, DC
37. Tighe Barry (Leader): Washington, DC
*38. Antonio “Tony” Wells: Charlottesville, VA
39. Evan “Hen” Henderson: Charlottesville, VA
40. Jay Scott: Waynesboro, VA
41. Cornel West (Leader)


As Kumiko Predicted: Bolton appointed to Alt-Lite/Right/Trump Admin coalition w Israel. Next up Iran

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 25 March 2018 11:55.

As Kumiko predicted, anti-Iranian war monger John Bolton has been appointed National Security Advisor - an integral position to the implementation of US wars - consummating the Trump administration’s raison d’être for an Alt-Lite/Right/Trump admin coalition with Israel, aimed first of all to undo the Iran deal and to prepare for war against Iran in a new generation of operation of “clean break” ...the ultimate goal of this Alt-Right/Jewish alliance/coordination (against left ethno-nationalism) is an imperial feudalistic (exploitative) relationship with as much of Asia and the third world as possible.

It’s time to return the National Security Council to where its been..

A lot of people have said to me, they’ve said, Jack, if you go back and look at my tweets….

Folks, it’s time for America first, it’s time for an America first foreign policy…

I’ve been on the Bolton train, ‘guilty as charged’

I have been on the Bolton train for almost a year and a half now.

And during the transition period I was saying I want Bolton.

And I was saying we need Bolton, get Bolton in there.

Related: These Are White Nationalists? What Is Behind TRS And The Alt-Right’s Gushing Effusion For Trump? Trump’s campaign was initiated in his agreement to dismantle the Iran Deal on Israel’s behalf. David Duke used to sternly caution against candidates who threatened to take Israel’s side against Iran.

And they were saying Jack, ‘I don’t know, he’s kind of neocon, he’s kind of this, he’s kind of that’...

He’s got associations with Bush and you know what? You’re right. We do need to be careful with that.

But let me tell you something. Let me tell you something about John Bolton: John Bolton is someone who once said that we should get rid of the top ten floors of The United Nations building. We’re also getting rid of the Obama hold-overs on the national security council - gone.

Ambassador Bolton is a hawk, alright?

Let’s make no aspersions about this.

He’s a hawk, he’s definitely a hawk. OK?

But that being the case, we know where he’s coming from. He’s straight forward, he’s not a snake in the grass. He’s pro Trump. He’s 100% pro-Trump.

And, he was out there every single day for the President.

He is not for these international, global organizations - no. He is pro-Trump, he is pro-America.

Remember, John Bolton has said that he is against the Iran Deal, John Bolton has said that he’s against TPP, John Bolton is against so many of these international deals.

He’s advocated for a more aggressive stance with North Korea, with China, with Iran with all of these countries, alright?

Related: US Navy Information Dominance Warfare: the question is

Related: Trump gained The US Presidency through a pledge to YKW to undo Iran Deal: that promise he’s materializing.

Tech Crunch, “John Bolton is Trump’s new National Security Advisor”, 22 Mar 2018:

With one fell swoop, President Trump just swapped out the “warrior scholar” for the warmonger.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Tweet:

I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18, @AmbJohnBolton will be my new National Security Advisor. I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.

1:26 PM - Mar 22, 2018

Today Trump tweeted that General H.R. McMaster will step down as John Bolton, a deeply controversial former U.S. ambassador, steps into the role of national security advisor. Bolton will move into the high-ranking foreign policy advisor position just as the U.S. is approaching talks with North Korea, an extremely delicate diplomatic maneuver between two volatile leaders.

Last month, Bolton argued the legal case for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea — an extreme position in which even the best case scenario could result in broad carnage for the U.S. and its allies.

Bolton established his extreme and hawkish reputation during his tenure as the undersecretary of state for arms control during the Bush administration. In that advisory position, Bolton argued strongly in favor of the Iraq war, tying his justification to the supposed presence of weapons of mass destruction.

If most people could agree that McMaster was a respectable choice for national security advisor, just as many seem to oppose Bolton becoming a prominent figure in shaping Trump’s foreign policy. When Bolton’s name was floated just after the election, Republican Senator Rand Paul penned an op-ed denouncing Bolton as “hell-bent on repeating virtually every foreign policy mistake the US has made in the last 15 years.”

While McMaster was sometimes characterized as a cautious futurist, Bolton’s record on tech is less clear. We’re sure to learn more about the new advisor’s various postures quickly, as Bolton stirs up bipartisan anxiety around U.S. foreign policy, particularly in Iran and North Korea.

After the swift fall of Michael Flynn in early 2017 and the quick appointment of McMaster, Bolton will become Trump’s third national security advisor in less than two years.

Order Member, Gary Yarbrough, Passes Away in U.S. Supermax Penitentiary

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 25 March 2018 06:28.

Order member, Gary Yarbrough, 14 Words

Gary Lee Yarbrough, 62, passed away early Monday morning at the United States Penitentiary, Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence, Colorado, a facility best known as Supermax.

His wife, Susan Hillman Yarbrough, confirmed the death in a Facebook post to the group “Freedom for Gary Yarbrough.”

Yarbrough, who was scheduled for release from prison on October 28, 2024, was one of three surviving members of The Order incarcerated in federal prison.

He spent 35 years in federal custody.

On the “Right Voice” show of 4 April 2018, his widow Susan said he was never treated for cataracts and was blind at his death, dying of liver cancer in a hospice.

In 2014 he should have been paroled but it was rejected because other people were posting things online about him! This meant he was “associating with white nationalists!”

The others, 66-year-old Randolph George Duey, and 70-year-old Richard Scutari, are scheduled for release from prison in 2043 and 2025, respectively.

Another member of The Order, 55-year-old David Tate, is serving life in prison at Southeast Correctional Center in Charleston, Missouri. He was convicted of fatally shooting a state trooper in 1985.

Yarbrough had been ill in recent months as he pushed for parole from federal prison, but his efforts kept failing because of his alleged ties to white supremacist groups. While he publicly disavowed any association with the groups, White separatists continued to push his cause and claim allegiance to him.

Arkansas White Nationalist, Billy Roper, who claims a long association with Yarbrough, posted updates about Yarbrough on the alt-right social media site Gab, saying on Saturday that the inmate’s family was visiting him at the prison hospice.

“He is calm and brave to the end,” Roper wrote.

Susan Yarbrough wrote on a blog and Facebook that Gary Yarbrough was diagnosed with cancer and likely didn’t have long to live.

In the last letter his wife posted on a blog, Gary Yarbrough talked of his remains being placed at a memorial cairn — a mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark, typically on a hilltop or skyline — in Texas.

Yarbrough, the one-time security chief for Aryan Nations, wrote that dirt from the graves of Robert Jay Mathews, the founder of The Order, and David Eden Lane, the spiritual and intellectual backbone of the group, would be placed at the memorial, also.

“More details will follow after my passing over these bars to the stars,” Yarbrough wrote.


Five members of a racist, right-wing group that purportedly sought to overthrow the United States Government were sentenced today to prison terms ranging from 40 to 100 years.

The members of the neo-Nazi group, the Order, were convicted under a Federal antiracketeering statute. Federal investigators had accused the group of carrying out a series of violent acts, including murder and armored car robberies, in an attempt to bring about a racist revolution.

One of the five defendants, Gary Lee Yarbrough, 30 years old of Sandpoint, Idaho., told Federal District Judge Walter T. McGovern that no matter what happened in court today, the movement would grow. ‘‘Blood will flow and it grieves me,’’ he said.

Mr. Yarbrough said he and his fellow defendants had been convicted in ‘‘a political trial’’ conducted by ‘‘a greedy, corrupt system.’’ He called himself ‘‘just a common man, worldly dumb but spiritually wise.’’ Charges Against Defendants

All five defendants were convicted of racketeering and conspiracy charges revolving around armored car robberies here and in California.


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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:01. (View)

Anon commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:52. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 09:21. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 05:25. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:49. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:37. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:24. (View)

Anon commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 21:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 20:16. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 18:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:43. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 19:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 15:33. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:42. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:31. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:50. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:44. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:23. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 05:55. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 05:26. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 18:00. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:03. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:44. (View)

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